Weather in Israel by months


When is the best time to go to Israel? Weather in Israel in different months of 2021 at different resorts.

There is an opinion that you can have a rest in Israel all year round. But every vacation has its own time. March, September and October are ideal for excursions, as it is too humid in winter due to rains, and sweltering heat in summer. In addition, on big holidays - Easter, Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot and others - the small country becomes crowded from the influx of tourists and pilgrims.

For a beach holiday in the resorts of the Mediterranean and Red Sea, April-May and September-October are most suitable. Dead Sea resorts are good all year round, but in winter the water is cool, and in June, July and August it is too hot, so spring and autumn will be the optimal seasons for a trip. Below we provide information on the weather in Israel by month: water and air temperature, precipitation, as well as tips for tourists.

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Weather in Israel in winter


Indoor heated swimming pools start operating in December. The rainy season comes, a beautiful Mediterranean tan is unlikely to get, but discounts in hotels are pleasantly pleasing. True, before the holidays, prices rise again - pilgrims come to the country.

January February

The weather in Israel in January-February is warm and damp. In Haifa, Tel Aviv, Netanya and other Mediterranean resorts during the day + 17 ° С, at night +5 ... + 10 ° С, sea + 18 ° С. Even in sunny Eilat, precipitation periodically falls.

The warmest on the coast of the Red Sea: air temperature + 20 ° С, water +21 ... + 22 ° С. During the day in Eilat you can walk lightly dressed, at night it is already cool (about + 10 ° C), so warm clothes are needed for evening promenades.

In winter, you can relax at the resorts of the Dead Sea: the water and air temperatures are the same +19 ... + 20 ° С, but swimming in the sea is pleasant only at lunchtime. Chilly people prefer to bask in the pools. Rains are rare and intermittent.

In winter, the country has noisy celebrations: Christian Christmas, Hanukkah, then Purim with processions and traditional treats. After the December and January influx of pilgrims, access to the holy places becomes free, and tourists can safely visit all the attractions. By March, the weather is improving, and rains are falling less and less.

Weather in Israel in spring


The weather in Israel in March is favorable for travel and long walks in the fresh air. Great religious holidays have passed, and the pilgrimage has temporarily died down before Easter. In most resorts of the Mediterranean Sea, mild and sunny weather is established: +19 ... + 20 ° С during the day, + 13 ° С at night, water +17 ... + 18 ° С. There may still be winds and short showers at the beginning of the month, so jackets and umbrellas will not be in the way. It is very good in March at the resorts of the Dead Sea: water +22 ... + 25 ° С, air temperature + 24 ° С.

Eilat is dry, precipitation tends to zero. Daytime + 25 ° С and above, Red Sea + 21 ° С. Sometimes the winds blow, and then swimming in the sea is slightly invigorating. Vacationers go in for windsurfing, ride jet skis, bananas, water skiing and paragliding. This is one of the rare periods when you can comfortably go on excursions in Eilat. The most popular are trips to the ancient fortress Masada, Red Canyon, Dolphin Reef, Timna Park and nature reserve.


In April, on the eve of the celebration of Easter, Christian pilgrims arrive, the Jews celebrate the Jewish Passover - Passover. The beach season is officially opening, the weather in Israel in April favors those who love the "seal" holiday. The warmest of all in Eilat and Ein Bokek: the water in the Red Sea is + 23 ° С, in the Dead Sea + 25 ° С, during the day the temperature reaches + 29 ° С. In the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea it is cooler: in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod and other resorts + 23 ° С, the water in the sea + 18 ... + 19 ° С.


But in May, it is already hot on the shores of the Red and Dead Seas: in the afternoon + 32 ° C and above. The water in the Dead Sea is + 28 ° С, in the Red Sea + 24 ° С. It gets hot and stuffy in Eilat, + 23 ° C at night, so you can only fully relax in air-conditioned rooms. From mid-May, good weather is established in Israel on the Mediterranean Sea: in the afternoon +27 ... + 28 ° С, water + 22 ° С. You can swim, sunbathe, go on excursions to Jerusalem, Bethlehem and other places, go out on a yacht into the open sea, and do water sports.

Note: how to organize an independent trip to Israel?

Weather in Israel in summer

June, July and August are hot in Israel. The highest temperatures are in Ein Bokek and Eilat: +35 ... + 40 ° С and above. In Tel Aviv, Netanya, Haifa +30 ... + 35 ° С. The heat does not subside even at night: +23 ... + 25 ° С, there is no rain, periodically dry winds blow, bringing dust and sand, impairing visibility and making breathing difficult. It is unlikely that a vacation by the sea against the background of such extreme temperatures and natural phenomena will be able to bring pleasure, although some tourists travel at this time.

Weather in Israel in autumn


In September in Israel, despite the fact that summer temperatures are high, the heat is tolerated more easily. In Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod and other resorts of the Mediterranean Sea, during the day it is above + 30 ° С, the water in the sea is + 28 ° С. In Eilat and Ein Bokek during the day +33 ... + 34 ° С, the water in the Red Sea + 27 ° С, in the Dead Sea + 32 ° С. This is a good time for swimming and all kinds of water activities, while tourists are not thirsty and do not risk getting sunstroke every second. There is practically no rain in September, except in mountainous regions, and the likelihood of dust storms, which so often rage in summer, is also minimal.


In October, Israel begins the velvet season on the Mediterranean coast, the weather is excellent. During the day + 28 ° С, at night +22 ... + 23 ° С, water +26 ... + 27 ° С. You can enjoy beach activities and go on excursions. In the resorts of the Dead Sea + 30 ° С during the day, water + 26 ° С, it becomes a little windy.

From about the middle of the month, it starts to rain, and although there are still not many of them in October (1-2 days a month), most tourists prefer to rest in Eilat, where the weather is stable and there is no precipitation.

In Eilat, during the day, +29 ... + 32 ° С, the sea + 25 ° С, it gets a little cool at night + 15 ° С. You can go diving or go on excursions, this period is optimal for families with young children.


The flow of tourists is decreasing, although the sea with the air is practically the same temperature (+23 ... + 25 ° С). But the weather in Israel in November becomes unpredictable, with rains and thunderstorms, with a sharp cooling of 5-8 degrees. Most of the rain is in Tel Aviv and Haifa, less in Eilat and Ein Bokek. This period is more suitable for travel than for a beach holiday, although the latter is not excluded.

Useful material: "The price of a trip to Israel".
