Holidays in Sri Lanka with children - 2021. The best hotels and resorts


Is Sri Lanka suitable for families with children? What pitfalls await tourists on the island? We will tell you about the features of rest with a child and choose the best resorts, beaches and hotels in 2021. Here are tips and reviews of tourists. Plan your vacation and arm yourself with tips!

At first glance, it seems that Sri Lanka is some kind of heaven on earth. The natural conditions of the island allow you to relax all year round: the local climate is determined by the influence of the monsoons, and when it rains in one part of the island, in the other - wonderful warm weather. Especially many tourists arrive in winter: it is already cold in European resorts, and + 30 ° C on the island, warm and sunny. However, there is something important to know for tourists before the trip, so as not to be disappointed.

Features of rest in Sri Lanka with children

Despite its recent start in the tourism business, Sri Lanka's resorts are quite suitable for a beach holiday with children. There are family hotels with pools, quality food and helpful staff. The local population is generally distinguished by amazing benevolence and smiling.

Beaches. There are many sandy beaches in Sri Lanka, but finding a safe place with a good bottom and calm waters is not easy. According to reviews of tourists, for many vacationers with children this is a big disadvantage. Sometimes a wave rises in the ocean that can knock an adult off his feet, so often kids wallow in hotel paddling pools with chlorinated water - both children are safe and parents are calm.

Food... There are no problems with food for a child on the island. The local cuisine is not rich in delicacies, but it also does not sin with excessive use of spices, as is customary in the countries of Southeast Asia. Hotel restaurants have long been oriented towards the tastes of European tourists. Fruit in Sri Lanka is plentiful, lots of pastries and ice cream, quality dairy products, so the kids love it here.

Vaccinations... There is no need to do special vaccinations either, but it is better not to meddle in thickets with tall grass - there may be snakes. Repellents will come in handy, since mosquitoes are annoying in the evenings. On the beaches, it is better to stay away from coconut-laden palm trees - heavy fruits can fall down and seriously injure.

Other. The ocean is fraught with many dangers - it does not tolerate frivolity, and most accidents on the water are due to high waves. Vigilance will not hurt when dealing with animals, especially with monkeys, which snatch food and the phone right from their hands and can scare a child.

When to go?

You can relax in Sri Lanka with children at any time of the year, it is only important to know when and where it is better to go. You can not be afraid of piercing winds and low temperatures: it is always warm on the coast, on average the air temperature is + 30 ° С, and the water temperature is + 26 ° С. On the southwest the islands are relatively dry in winter and spring, but hot and humid in summer, and high waves rise on the ocean. On the northeast coast - the weather is exactly the opposite.

Be sure to take sunscreen - even on rainy days, there is a high risk of getting burns. If you are planning a trip to the mountains, then it is worth grabbing a warm blouse, in winter there can be cold snaps up to + 10 ° C.

The best resorts and beaches for a child

Despite the fact that the beaches of Sri Lanka are almost a thousand kilometers long, there are not so many comfortable places for families with children. The popular resort of Hikkaduwa is not very suitable for children - there are almost always waves that surfers conquer, and crowds of young people of varying degrees of sobriety rest on the shore.

The quietest places for family holidays are Unawatuna and Bentota. Unawatuna located in a lagoon surrounded by a double coral reef, with a depth of no more than 6 meters. A narrow coastal strip spoils the landscape a little - only 2 meters, but the water here is almost always flat and children can splash with adults without any fear. Unfortunately, everyone on the island knows about this beach, and on weekends there is simply no overcrowding.

Take a look: The best resorts and beaches of Sri Lanka.

Bentota - this is a favorite place for romantics and newlyweds, but families with children also love to relax here. Bentota is appreciated for its well-developed infrastructure, wide long beaches and modern hotels with a high level of service. The resort has all kinds of water activities, many cafes and shops. In the high season, there are always a lot of tourists here.

Very picturesque beach with shallows and reefs in Dickwell... This place is notable for the largest Buddha statue on the island and a bustling colorful market located near the beach. And if you are not sorry to spend a few more hours on the road after a tiring flight, then you should get to a modest town Trincomalee... It is a resort with good beaches and beautiful architecture, but due to its distance from the airport, it is not very popular with tourists.

Find out: TOP attractions of Sri Lanka.

Best hotels for families with children in Sri Lanka - 2021

Check out our selection of the best 3, 4 and 5-star hotels in Sri Lanka for a comfortable stay with children. The selections below will also help you choose a good and inexpensive hotel.

Holidays with children in Sri Lanka: reviews of tourists

Reviews about a vacation in Sri Lanka with a child are contradictory. There are difficulties with expensive - not all adults can easily withstand many hours of flights, let alone children. Most likely, you will have to pass the test of acclimatization, sunburn and banal poisoning. Tourists advise not to drink local water, and always keep a pack of wet wipes for hand disinfection with you.

Lankan nature is beautiful, but given difficulties with choosing a beach and the treachery of the waves, the question involuntarily creeps in, is it worth it for the sake of such pleasure to endure a long flight? It is unlikely that a child under 6 years old will be able to appreciate the beauty of Buddhist temples and ancient ruins. Only elephants and turtles can interest him, and a hotel with a swimming pool can be found somewhere closer. But if difficulties do not frighten and your children are as curious as their parents, then you should not hesitate with the choice - the mysterious Sri Lanka is waiting for you.

Have not decided until the end whether it is worth relaxing with children in Sri Lanka? Check out our selection of countries for families with children abroad. Find out also about holidays with children in other similar resorts: Goa, Thailand, Vietnam.
